The Medispa patented organic nano-carbon™ fiber panel delivers instant far-Infrared heat to the face, hands and feet allowing for deeper skin hydration. Ideal during facials, manicures and pedicures.
Palm healing an ancient tradition in Asia, has used the healing properties of nfrared rays for 3000 years. Our hands emit far-infrared energy naturally from 8-14 microns. The Medispa Infrared (FIR) Facial emits 4-16 microns which is most beneficial to the human body and physiological energy.

Medispa far-Infrared (FIR) Facial is a patented Organic Nano-Carbon™ wave body warming system. Designed for use with facials, manicures and pedicures. It is free from radioactivity and warms the skin naturally like the sun. Our bodies already radiate far-infrared from 3-50 microns, with most at 9.4 microns. This new technology mimics the energy already found in the body. Our unique FIR carbon based facial device does not involve the movement of air, noise, nor does it require direct contact for the delivery of its energy. Surrounding air is not warmed during application, making the treatment pleasant and unlike an infrared sauna.
Clients experience a relaxing and warming sensation that makes the skin exceptionally soft, hydrated and refreshed. Skincare treatment masks applied and then left under the FIR device penetrate the skin 3 times faster than without infrared treatment. When the skin is warmed it allows the skin to absorb precious ingredients rapidly enhancing the effects for the client.
Our carbon based FIR facial allows the absorption of electromagnetic energy at a frequency such that the photon energy is equal to a quantum excitation energy of the absorbing system. This process is called resonant absorption; it excites the human body producing numerous physical changes within the body that are directly responsible for improved health and wellness.
The Medispa Infrared Facial is safe and can be used to enhance any facial, hand or pedicure mask treatment. Your clients will love their skin after a treatment and benefit from the many therapeutic uses from far-infrared invisible light and visible red light (LED) technology.
So What is Far Infrared?
Far Infrared is Light
Far Infrared rays (FIR) are invisible and present in sunlight; they were discovered by a scientist named Sir William Herschel in 1800. His research led to the discovery that there were not only the known visible rays – red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet – but there were also invisible rays later named Infrared.
Far Infrared treatment utilises the power of these invisible wavelengths of light which have a therapeutic & warming effect, when absorbed by the body.

Far Infrared is otherwise known as radiant heat.
Far Infrared treatment is so unique in that it’s warming effect isachieved without heating the air.

Far Infrared is Natural

Our bodies radiate Far Infrared energy through the skin at 3 to 50 microns, with most output at 9.4 microns. Our palms emit Far Infrared energy too, from 8 to 14 microns. Palm healing, an ancient tradition in China, has used the healing properties of Far Infrared rays for 3,000 years.
History of the Sauna and Development of Far Infrared Therapy

The Finns first popularized sauna use in Europe. Their ancient religious ceremonies used it for mental, spiritual, and physical cleansing.
Use of the sauna in their religion stayed with them when they migrated between 5,000 and 3,000 B.C. from an area northwest of Tibet to their present location in Finland.
Similarly, Native Americans have used sweat lodges for cleansing and purifying since prehistoric times, recognizing the health benefits, as well.
Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa, a member of the Research and Development Department of Fuji Medical, received a patent in 1965 for a zirconium ceramic Far Infrared heater used in the first healing Far Infrared thermal systems.
Medical practitioners in Japan were initially the only ones using Far Infrared thermal systems in the late 1960’s,and some years later they were released for public use.
International Reports on Far Infrared Therapy Use
Over the last 25 years, Japanese and Chinese researchers and clinicians have completed extensive research on Far Infrared treatments and have reported many exciting findings.
In Japan, there is an “Infrared society” composed of medical doctors and physical therapists dedicated to further Infrared research. Their findings support the health benefits of Far Infrared therapy as a method of healing.
Over 30 million people have received localized Far Infrared treatment in the Orient, Europe, and Australia. In Germany, physicians in an independently developed form have used whole-body Far Infrared therapy for over 80 years.
The Need for Far Infrared Thermal Therapy
The Health Challenges of 21st Century Living

Our Lifestyle today presents many health challenges. To remain healthy, vibrant and full of energy, simply put you need a plan.
Car manufacturers normally have service plans, and sure enough we know we need to service our cars regularly to ensure the vehicle continues to function well.
We also know that when we neglect to service our car, you end up with big repair bills and a car that is not working, usually stuck on your forecourt going nowhere!
This is so similar to our health, over the years we have worked with thousands of people who have not paid too much attention to their health and have ended up with huge medical bills and many health problems.
Our Lifestyle, Environment & Diet (LED) are major factors contributing to so many of the illnesses we face such as; Fatigue, Diabetes, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Obesity and Weight Gain.
We Live in an Invisible World of Chemicals

There is an additional factor to consider also and that is toxicity.
More than ever we are exposed to vast numbers of chemicals, in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the environment in which we live.
We are not really aware of any of this, until we become ill. After all, these chemicals are totally invisible, you cannot see them, taste them or even smell them most of the time
The Food we Eat

Modern life has resulted in convenience foods.
Meaning that food is processed and prepared so that we can just open a packet, bottle or container and eat; Anywhere, anytime.
This is just so easy and useful when you live a busy life, where you are constantly on the go. Thank God it can be so easy. But there is a price to pay.
The reason food can last so long in it’s container and packaging is because chemicals and preservatives are used to ensure that the food has a shelf life.
These chemicals are used to preserve the food and also to prevent the growth of harmful organisms in the food.
Of course this all makes sense! But does it?
Toxic Overlode

Over the years we have worked with so many people who suffer from toxic chemical and heavy metal overload.
These substances often have accumulated in the body, over many years, contributing to a variety of health problems, many of which are mentioned above.
Finally, the hazards of heavy metals, such as mercury, and endocrine disrupting chemicals is finally being acknowledged.
Reports have been published by organisations such as the World Health Organisation* and the Environmental Protection Agency**.
**World Health Organisation Report on Exposure to Toxic Chemicals (2012)
The World Health Organisation States in it’s 2012 report on Exposure to Toxic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals that:
”Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals have the capacity to interfere with tissue and organ development and function, and therefore they may alter susceptibility to different types of diseases throughout life. This is a global threat that needs to be resolved.”
Be Health Conscious for Healthy Living

The bottom line is that you need to have a strategy and a maintenance plan for your health, to stay well.
Just like you go to the gym to stay fit. You do not just go once for a workout, and then say, right I am now fit and need do no more.
Of course not?
Similarly we are facing daily stresses that are challenging our health, and what will really help us live the life that we want to live is to take care of our greatest asset – our health. Invest in your health and live a long, happy, healthy and prosperous life.
Let’s face it, if your health is lousy, then there is little that you are going to be able to do.
So please take the time to get well, if you are unwell, and even more importantly make sure you have a plan to stay well once you have restored your health.
Sitting All the Time (SAT)*

Would you believe that one of the biggest health challenges today is Sitting:
Emerging evidence suggests that excessive sitting is an important risk factor for chronic disease, premature mortality and several age -related diseases – even if they exercise – according to a new meta-analysis of 47 studies (1)
This latest research is showing that prolonged sitting can increase the risk of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer

Unfortunately even our daily hour at the gym is not sufficient to offset the effects of sitting all day, or in excess of 8 hours.
The result of all of this sitting is poor circulation.
Far Infrared to Boost Your Circulation

One of the main reasons we exercise is to increase our heart rate and of course achieve a boost in circulation of the blood in the body.
Full Body Far Infrared Therapy is particularly helpful for giving the circulation a boost, helping to deliver more blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
Common Symptoms of Poor Circulation Include:
- Tingling
- Numbness
- Throbbing or stinging pain in limbs
- Pain
- Muscle cramps
- When circulation is improved, it is possible to reduce and alleviate many of these symptoms.
Far infrared to Increase Your Body Temperature – Low temperature Syndrome
So what if my body temperature is too low?
Many of the body’s metabolic processes require your temperature to be in the normal range of 36.80C-37.00C.

For many of us our temperature can be 1.0 -2.00C lower than the normal range. This can result in many of the body metabolic processes not occurring, just because your temperature is too low.
This commonly occurs for those of you who suffer from an underactive Thyroid.
When lower body temperatures prevail this can lead to a number
of health problems.
Symptoms of Low Temperature Syndrome can Include:
Arthritis and Muscular/Joint Aches
Cold hands and feet
Constipation/Irritable Bowel Syndrome
High Cholesterol
Low Blood Pressure
Poor Memory & Concentration
Recurring Infections
Tinnitus (Ringing In The Ears)
Weight Gain
So many people we work with suffer from low temperature syndrome – low body temperature.
Far Infrared Thermal Therapy has been very useful for improving circulation and restoring the body’s temperature to the normal operating range of 36.80C-37.00C.
This allows the metabolism to function normally and can really help alleviate many of the aforementioned symptoms.
It is also desirable to achieve an increase our body temperature – a one degree Celsius rise in our body temperature can result in up to a 70% boost in immunity.
This is really helpful as so many of us so often experience endless recurrent infections.
What is unique about Far infrared Thermal Therapy is it’s ability to warm the body and raise
core temperature at very comfortable low temperatures, such as 360C.
Conventional saunas operate at temperatures in excess of 1000C to achieve a similar effect.
Many people prefer the Far Infrared as they cannot tolerate the uncomfortable temperatures of
regular saunas.

The deeply warming effect of Far Infrared helps the blood vessels to expand (vasodilation) and boosts circulation.
As more blood flows throughout the body, more oxygen, and nutrients are flushed through the body system.
This has a deeply relaxing and energising effect.
Many people do not sweat because of poor circulation, would you believe. So to begin with commonly a large proportion of our clients simply do not sweat to begin with.
However as circulation improves the skin begins to function once more and the sweating mechanism kicks in.
This is useful as the skin is the largest organ of the body, and so sweating is useful activity for your detox regime.
As well as raising the core body temperature to help give the old immune system a good boost.
1. Biswas, A., et al., Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in
Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med, 2015. 162(2): p. 123-32.
* World Health Organisation Fact Sheet for Physical Activity
Poor Liver Function
Many people suffer from poor circulation and the body’s response to this is to prioritise where the blood supply goes. The result is that blood supply to certain organs is reduced.
One organ that can suffer from reduced blood supply is the liver. Ironically this is one of the major organs for detoxification. When most of us are suffering from toxic overload the liver often will not be working so well.
I actually used my Far Infrared system to help repair my damaged liver and restore healthy
function. This was over a decade ago.
Another effect of poor circulation is poor digestion and something called leaky gut Syndrome.
I suffered from leaky gut & IBS many years ago and used the Far Infrared to help improve the blood supply to the gut and reduce the gut permeability.
There were also various nutrients I used to help the rebuilding of the intestinal lining as well asanti-bacterial/viral programme to eliminate any unfriendly organisms that were contributing to the permeability
Heart Disease*

Cardiovascular disease can result in the narrowing of the blood vessels and arteries.
Resulting in a condition called atherosclerosis; this is when the arteries stiffen due to plaque build-up. This can lead to reduced blood flow to your extremities and can result in pain.

Reducing Cell Da ma ge - Antioxidant Effect *
The more cell damage we experience the faster we age. Far Infrared (FIR) Thermal Therapy has an Anti-Oxidant Effect and has been shown to activate the body’s natural anti-oxidan pathways helping reduce cell damage.
Journal of Public Health Frontier Jun. 2013 ISSN:2227-4561(Online) ISSN:2227-457X(Print
Author: Chun-Chih Lin ) 1 , Cheng-Lung Lee2 , Chia-Chi Lung

*Wrinkles & Skin Texture – Increased Collagen & Elastin Production*
*Wrinkles & Skin Texture – Increased Collagen & Elastin Production*
Far Infrared Thermal Treatment helps improve skin texture and wrinkles by increasing collagen and elastin production.
‘’Far infrared radiation has beneficial effects on skin texture and wrinkles by increasing collagen and elastin contents from the stimulated fibroblasts.
* Lee JH, Roh MR, Lee KH.
Yonsei Med J. 2006 Aug
Therefore, skin treatment with Far Infrared (FIR)is an effective and safe non-ablative remodelling method,and is also useful in the treatment of photo- aged skin.’’
Far Infared for Diabetes

Diabetes does not only affects your blood sugar, but it can cause problems such as poor circulation, leg cramping, as well as pain and cramping in your calves, thighs, or buttocks.
This cramping may be worst when you’re physically active.
People with advanced diabetes may have a difficult time detecting the signs of poor circulation because diabetic neuropathy can cause reduced sensation in your extremitie
Diabetes can cause heart and blood vessel problems, and people with diabetes are at an increased risk for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
The research to date regarding Far Infrared and how it may help with diabetes and the resulting Peripheral Arterial Disease* is very encouraging.
High Blood Pressure - Why do I Have High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)?

The lining of our arteries can become damaged due to our lifestyle and poor diet. The result is that Cholesterol can form a plaque that lines the arteries causing hardening and narrowing of our arteries.
When your arteries become narrower due to the plaque that has formed inside of them, the more blood your heart pumps the higher your blood pressure will go.
Many factors may contribute to high blood pressure:
- Lifestyle
- Stress
- Smoking
- Poor Diet
- Being overweight or obese– Puts stress on the heart
- Lack of physical activity
- Too much salt in the diet – Processed foods contribute up to 75% of our sodium intake.
- Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
- Older age
- Kidney disease
- Adrenal and thyroid disorders

In 1989, German medical researchers reported that a single whole-body session of Far Infrared-induced hyperthermia lasting over one hour had only beneficial effects on subjects with High Blood Pressure, (State I and II essential hypertension).
Repeated Far Infrared (FIR) Thermal Therapy has been shown to significantly lower blood pressure due to improved blood vessel function*
Weight Loss & Body Fat Reduction*

Improved Eating Habits
In normal -weight patients with appetite loss, repeated Far Infrared sauna therapy increased plasma ghrelin concentrations and daily caloric intake and improved feeding behaviour.

Lowering Blood Sugar
The treatment has been shown to be of benefit by significantly lowering blood sugar, and helping to increase blood sugar absorption.

‘’In obese patients, the body weight and body fat significantly decreased after 2 weeks of Far Infrared sauna therapy without increase of plasma ghrelin concentrations.therapy for patients with lifestyle-related diseases.’’On the basis of these data, saun a therapy may be a promising
Carrying around extra pounds also puts a burden on your body; If you’re overweight, sitting or standing for hours may also lead to additional circulation problems.
‘’In obese patients, the body weight and body fat significantly decreased after 2 weeks of (far Infrared) sauna therapy’’* – *Full research paper
The Exercise Effect -

Far Infrared for Those Unable to Exercise
Far Infrared (FIR) Thermal Therapy can provide similar cardiovascular effects and benefits to physical exercise without the stress or difficulties that may come with conventional exercise.
This is very helpful for those who are unable to exercise, and those who may suffer from a heart condition because many of the beneficial cardiovascular effe cts of exercise can still be achieved without the need to move physically.
Over the years a large proportion of our clients have been house bound or bed bound, or suffering from extreme fatigue.
Consequently they have been unable to exercise and tended to suffer from poor circulation and all the associated problems that come with this, such as muscle pain, cramps, poor digestion, leaky gut, poor elimination, poor cognitive function, and cold hands and feet.
Also generally they would also be cold all the time. The Far Infrared really was so helpful because it enable those who were immobile to be able to take the treatment while lying down and stimulate the cardiovascular system, which effectively is passive exercise.
We call this the Exercise Effect.
The August 7, 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported what is common knowledge today:

Many people who run do so to place a demand on their cardiovascular system as well as to build muscle.
What isn’t well known is that it also reported the “regular use of a sauna may impart a similar stress on the cardiovascular system, and its regular use may be as effective as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise.”
Blood flow during whole-body Far Infrared Sauna Therapy is reported to rise from a normal five to seven quarts a minute to as many as 13 quarts a minute.
Due to the deep penetration of Far Infrared rays, there is a deep heating effect in the muscle tissue and internal organs.
The body responds to this heat with a beneficial heart stress resulting in a cardiovascular training and conditioning effect.
Medical research confirms the use of a sauna provides cardiovascular conditioning as the body works to cool itself, and involves substantial increases in heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate.

Finnish researchers, reporting the regular use of conventional saunas, state that “there is abundant evidence to suggest that blood vessels of regular sauna-goers remain elastic and pliable longer, due to the regular dilation and contraction” of blood vessels induced by sauna use.

Pain Relief Much of the pain in the body can be due to muscles that are in spasm.
One theory is that these spasms can result is reduced blood supply to the area of spasm, leading to a buildup of toxins in the area of the muscle spasm.
Metabolic wastes can accumulate in these muscles leading to even more inflammation and pain
Warming the muscles with Far Infrared can stimulate an increased blood flow to the muscles, helping to eliminate accumulated metabolic wastes and leading to the alleviation of the spasm that can also cause much referred pain as well as local pain.
Heat has been shown to reduce pain sensation by direct action on both free-nerve endings in tissues and on peripheral nerves. In one dental study, repeated heat applications led finally to abolishment of the whole nerve response responsible for pain arising from dental pulp.
Heat may lead to both increased endorphin production and a shutting down of the so-called”spinal gate” of Melzack and Wall, each of which can reduce pain.
Stress Relief

Rapid Relaxation
When using full body Far Infrared Treatment It is possible for clients to quickly enter into deep states of relaxation while simultaneously warming the deep tissues of the body from temperatures as low as 38-400 Celsius to 700 Celsius.
Women’s Health

Alleviating Period Pain*
Far Infrared Thermal therapy has been found to be helpful in alleviating period pain.

Local Far Infrared Thermal Therapy results in a significant reduction of Menopausal Related Symptoms in postmenopausal women. These results suggest that local Far Infrared thermal therapy may be a potential alternative for the management ofpostmenopausal symptoms.

Far Infrared Thermal Treatment has been shown to be useful in helping those suffering from depression, subjective complaints and appetite loss.
Far Infrared Therapy for Deep Tissue Treatment
Far Infrared units generate about one-third of their output in the middle Far Infrared band-From 4 to 5.6 microns- and the other two-thirds in the long band-from 5.6 to 20 microns for deep tissue penetration.
The output is evenly spread around the 9.4-micron pivot point of peak human output.
This distribution maximizes the higher penetration of the middle band waves and combines them with the long waves that produce resonant absorption for healthy tissue output.
Far Infrared energy penetrates tissues to a depth of over one inch. Close to 93% of Far Infrared that reaches the skin is easily absorbed.
A conventional sauna, relies on hot air having direct contact with the skin to heat the body. Our Far Infrared Units warm only10% of the air, leaving over 90% of the heat available to directly warm the body.
The Far Infrared units can warm its users to a greater depth and with more efficiency than any conventional sauna, and are designed specifically for therapeutic & professional use.
– FIR promotes the oxygenation operation of the body, which prevents the fat from being stored and it promotes general well-being.
– FIR stimulates sweating, which dissolves and removes fat under the skin.
– FIR stimulates the cell functions, heals the skin and results in weight loss.
– FIR activates the body operations, which promote the hormone operations and remove impurities, such as heavy metals from the body.
– FIR gives energy that stimulate metabolism and removes fatigue.
– FIR is physical therapy for muscle and nervous system problems. It balances the operation of the nervous system by relieving the muscle pain.
– FIR removes pain, relieves infections and activates the immune system.
– FIR recovers the cells and prevents the veins from blocking, renews neurons that recover the sense of touch and muscle operation
Our bodies are made of cells, and the most important ingredient in the cell is water. 65% to 70% of mass of the human body consist of water. The cells in the body in turn form various organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, blood vessels, nerves, bones and skin. Just as FIR- waves are able to cause the albumen and egg yolk to develop into various organs, it is able to activate, revitalize, reactivate, develop and strengthen various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed.
In various organs of the human body the circulatory system has an important role, especially the micro-circulatory system. It is basis of sustance of life because if it deteriorates, death is like to follow. When micro-circulatory system faces problems, various ailments will occur. Because FIR- waves are vibrating at a frequence similar to human body, they are able to penetrate to the body. They activate cells and strengthen the micro-circulatory systems. It regulates the blood flow and blood vessels which have been blocked due the blood clots. At the same time the vital energy in the body is activated.
The various activities of the human body depend on the supply of nutrients. Ingested nutrients provide us energy and help sustain our lives. At the same time, wastes which are produced after the nutrients have been absorbed, have to be removed from the body. The process is known as metabolism. The metabolic rate of each individual is an indicator of his/her health. If we wish to have life, we must maintain a good and strong metabolic rate. The wavelength area of FIR is able to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. This is because the transport of the nutrients in the body depends on the blood circulation. Removal of metabolic waste depends on the various activities in the body and is also dependent on the circulatory system. When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of FIR, it wil naturally improve our metabolism. The second benefit that FIR provides for the human body is the elevation of metabolism thus improving energy and vitality. Its third benefit is the elevation of the immunity of our bodies againts diseasis. This is a result of the improvement in the micro-circulatory system and metabolism of the body. It helps to slow down the aging process, increases resistance against diseasis and increases longevity.
Cleaning the metabolic waste from the body is necessary in order to prevent different diseases and health problems. Regular deep heat is effective and easy. The harmful metabolic wastes in the body are e.g. fat and cholesterol, that access our body from our food. They can be removed from the body through sweating caused by the deep heat. When sweat caused by the deep heat is analyzed, for example the following substances have been found in sweat: lead, cadmium, nickel, copper and sodium. This means that the ability of the deep heat to remove harmful substances is very effective. Toxic substances, which cannot be removed from the system, are regularly accumulated in the body.
According to worldwide researches, the temperature needed for losing toxic substances should be at least 45°C. FIR can create this temperature without overloading the circulatory system. Regular deep heat is the best method to remove different metabolic waste from the body. The accumulation of metabolic waste in the body influences on the bad health of many people.
Scientific researches indicate that the deep heat stimulates the cells to remove toxic substances, such as lead and mercury, from the body through sweating. Thus, the deep heat can be considered as a very good deep cleaner of the body. Focused heat has also been used in the treatment of small local pain and relief, but all the benefits offered by the deep heat were not understood until now. In clinic researches deep heat has been discovered to activate complex neurological, vascular and metabolic mechanisms in order to relieve pain. Deep heat also relieves e.g. rheumatism, rashes and psoriasis, and their treatment has showed good research results worldwide
FIR – far infrared heat increases the body temperature to 38,5°C during the use of e.g. FIR65 Energy blanket and this artificial fever kills the bacteria and viruses. This is the reason why the users of such product have flu very rarely. The toxin removing effect of FIR is in its own class, because the sweat comes deep from the body and the toxic substances are removed deep from the body. The objective of the aerobic exercise is to increase the heart rate and metabolism, which increases the blood circulation and improves your condition. This way the calories are burnt and the weight reduction is very likely to happen.
Wide researches indicate that exposure to far infrared radiation has the same effect as physical exercise. The body cools itself by producing sweat and the heart pumps blood faster. Although the fluid lost by sweating can be replaced by drinking water, the calories are not replaced
Researches indicated that the deep heat removes toxic substances effectively from the body by removing fat that is needed to dilute the toxins. The deepwarmth dilutes the fat to the sweat and it is removed from the body through sweating. For persons who cannot do cardio exercise, e.g. patients in wheelchairs, elderly and sick people, it is very important to create a similar effect to their bodies in some form. FIR also offers great benefits for professional and amateur athletes. FIR accelerates recovery after heavy exercise, helps the lack of oxygen in the system, improves peripheral circulation, relieves muscle tension and pain, removes metabolic waste, helps to improve muscle stretch and sinew and movement of joints
FIR is also an excellent help for athletes, who have to lose weight rapidly. An injured athlete can maintain his or her condition with the help of deep heat, although active exercise would not be possible. 45 minutes of effective deep heat treatment in high temperature may burn even 600 calories. It is the same amount burnt by running or by very heavy physical work.
Far Infrared Ray ”FIR” has been testified to be one of the most effective and secure scientific methods for health care and slimming. All the life-forms on earth naturally have activation of cells and flourishing metabolism with the radiation of FIR. In modern society people live in an environment of hard work, fast speed and great psychological pressure and they are always in a status of sub-health. Sharply aiming at these diseases caused by modern civilization FIR65º -Energy Blanket combines health care and slimming function without any negative effects on human body and therefore is the ideal Hi-Tech health care equipment for family purpose
FIR heat therapy can promote blood circulation, strengthen the function of organism within the body, regenerate cells in the body and improve metabolism. It can effectively diminish rheumatoid arthritis, alleviate fatigue, relieve pressure and improve sleeping. Besides, it has good effects on slimming, diminishing inflammation, stopping ache, killing viruses and curing wounds. When activity frequency between molecules and atoms of cells becomes unanimous with FIR frequency, the energy will be rapidly absorbed by cells and this results in resonance and increased molecule oscillation. This way cells are activated.
Slimming: Deepwarmth to decompose fat rapidly.
Poison discharging: stimulating capillary vessel, speeding up poison discharge by lymph and the regeneration
of collagen protein. Thus to discharge deeply the heavy metal and other poison elements in the body.
– Eliminate body fatigue and ache, improve sleeping, relieve and prevent rheumatoid arthritis.
– Activate body cells to promote metabolism and strengthen immune system.
– Improving orange-shape skin to make the skin smooth and bright.
– Enhancing redox of body and preventing fat from deposited in the body.
– Quickening up lipolysis sweating and their let-out.
– Activating organism of body and their functions.
-Speeding up metabolism, alimentation and eliminating tiredness and enhancing nutrition absorbtion.
– Bringing about physical therapy against myalgia and neurosis; Balance autonomic nervous system, Improving
muscle, lactic acid and liver functions while removing nervous mood and nameless pains.
– Improving immunoreactions system.
– Eliminating pain and inflammation.
– Recovering of organism functions of the body.
The following information has been summarized from Chapter 9 of Therapeutic Heat and Cold, Fourth (4th)
Edition, Editors Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin
Tissues heated to 45°C and then stretched exhibit a nonelastic residual elongation of about 0.5 to 0.9 % that persists after the stretch is removed. This does not occur in these same tissues when stretched at normal tissue temperatures. Therefore 20 stretching sessions can produce a 10% to 18% increase in length of tissues heated and stretched. Stretching of tissue in the presence of heat would be especially valuable in working with ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, fasciae, and synoviurn that have become scarred, thickened, or contracted. Such stretching at 45°C caused much less weakening in stretched tissues for a given elongation than a similar elongation produced at normal tissue temperatures. Experiments cited clearly showed low-force stretching could produce significant residual elongation when heat is applied together with stretching or range-of-motion exercises. This is safer than stretching tissues at normal tissue temperatures.
There was a 20 % decrease in rheumatoid finger joint stiffness at 45°C as compared with 33°C, which correlated perfectly to both subjective and objective observation of stiffness. Speculation has it that any stiffened joint and thickened connective tissues may respond in a similar fashion.
Muscle spasms have long been observed to be reduced through the use of heat, be they secondary to underlying skeletal, joint, or neuropathological conditions. This result is possibly produced by the combined effect of heat on both primary and secondary afferent nerves from spindle cells and from its effects on Golgi tendon organs. The results produced demonstrated their peak effect within the therapeutic temperature range obtainable with
radiant heat.
Pain may be relieved via the reduction of attendant or secondary spasms. Pain is also at times related to ischemia (lack of blood supply) due to tension or spasm that can be improved by the hyperemia that heatinduced vasodilatation produces, thus breaking the feedback loop in which the ischemia leads to further spasm and then more pain. Heat has been shown to reduce pain sensation by direct action on both free-nerve endings in tissues and on peripheral nerves. In one dental study, repeated heat applications led finally to abolishment of the whole nerve response responsible for pain arising from dental pulp. Heat may lead to both increased endorphin production and a shutting down of the so called ”spinal gate” of Melzack and Wall, each of which can reduce pain. Localized infrared therapy using lamps tuned to the 2 to 25 micron waveband is used for the treatment and relief of pain by over 40 reputable Chinese medical institutes.
Heating one area of the body produces reflex-modulated vasodilators in distant-body areas, even in the absence of a change in core body temperature. Heat one extremity and the contra lateral extremity also dilates; heat a forearm and both lower extremities dilate; heat the front of the trunk and the hand dilates. Heating muscles produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise. Temperature elevation also produces an increased blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles, and venules, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles. The release of bradykinin, released as a consequence of sweat-gland activity, also produces increased blood flow and vasodilatation. Whole-body hyperthermia, with a consequent core temperature elevation, further induces vasodilatation via a hypothalamic-induced decrease in sympathetic tone on the arteriovenous anastomoses. Vasodilatation is also produced by axonal reflexes that change vasomotor balance. Far Infrared heat assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, oedema and exudates Increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate oedema, which can help inflammation, decrease pain, and help speed healing.
Far Infrared healing is now becoming a leading edge care for soft tissue injuries to promote both relief in chronic or intractable ”permanent” cases, and accelerated healing in newer injuries.
As you can see, the segment of the infrared spectrum emitted by an far infrared ray, such as Physiotherm Far Infrared Ray is reputed to offer an astounding range of possible therapeutic benefits and effects in research conducted around the world. However, the data presented in this text below is offered for reference purposes only and to stimulate further observation. If you have a disease, be sure to consult with a primary-care physician concerning it.
Prescription Drugs: If you are using prescription drugs, check with your physician or pharmacist for possible changes in the drug’s effect due to an interaction with far infrared energy.
Certain Ailments: According to some authorities, it is considered inadvisable to raise the core temperature of someone with adrenal suppression, systemic lupus erythematosus, or multiple sclerosis.
Joint Problems: If a person has a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours or until the hot and swollen symptoms subside. Joints that are chronically hot and swollen may respond poorly to vigorous heating of any kind. Vigorous heating is strictly contraindicated in cases of enclosed infections be they dental, in joints, or in any other tissues. Certain Ailments: According to some authorities, it is considered inadvisable to raise the core temperature of someone with adrenal suppression, systemic lupus erythematosus, or multiple sclerosis.
Pregnancy: In pregnancy or the suspicion of pregnancy, discontinuation of far infrared ray use is recommended. As in here North – Finnish women´s use traditional saunas that don’t heat the body as deeply as an FIR65º Energy Blanket for only six to twelve minutes and reportedly leave at that time due to perceived discomfort. Their usage of traditional saunas at this low level of intensity is not linked to birth defects. FIR65º Energy Blanket use may be two to three times more intense due to deep tissue penetration, and comparatively shorter two to six minute sessions hardly seem worth any minimal risk they may present.
Surgical Implants: Metal pins, rods, artificial joints, or any other surgical implants generally reflect far infrared rays and are not heated by an far infrared heat system. Nevertheless, a person should consult his or her surgeon before receiving such therapy. Certainly far infrared therapy must be discontinued if a person experiences pain near any implants
Silicone: Silicone does absorb far infrared energy. Implanted silicone or silicone prostheses for nose or ear replacement may be warmed by far infrared rays. Since silicone melts at over 200ºC, it should not be adversely affected by an far infrared heat system, however. Still advised that a person checks with his or her surgeon, and possibly are presentative of the product manufacturer, to be certain.
Menstruation: Heating of the low-back area of women during the menstrual period may temporarily increase menstrual flow. Once a woman is aware that this is occurring, she can choose to allow herself to experience this short-term effect without worry. Or she may simply avoid using an far infrared heat source at that time in her cycle
Haemorrhage: Haemophiliacs and anyone predisposed to haemorrhage should avoid far infrared usage or any type of heating that would induce vasodilatation that can lead to the tendency to bleed.
Worsened Condition: Should any condition worsen with the use of an far infrared heat product, the use of the system should be discontinued
Pain: Pain should not be experienced when using an far infrared heat product or technology. If one does, the use of radiant heat is clearly inappropriate for the person at that time
Do not attempt to self-treat any disease with a Physiotherm Far Infrared Ray product without direct supervision of a physician